Afa Ah Loo


Parents: Amioga & Samuelu Folasa

Occupation: Soft Product Developer & Fashion Designer

Educational level: BYU Hawaii

Favorite Polynesian Food: Any Samoan food and pretty much any seafood!

“I think the biggest life-changing experience for me was when my mom passed and I finally realized that I need to follow my dreams and do the things that made me the happiest. That I needed to live my life for myself and not for others. That was a very hard lesson to learn because growing up in Samoa, we are taught to always put others before us, and by no means do I think my realization of putting myself first was being selfish but I think it just shifted my focus of things that mattered the most to me and that is self-love. I still to this day love to serve others since that is my language of love, but I truly had to teach myself that loving myself first means that I will have enough love to give to others.”

How has being of Polynesian descent and culture shaped who you are today?

I think it's all I know and who I see myself as. As a true Samoan man whose ancestors have worked hard and paved the way for me to be here and for me to make something out of myself. To not settle for anything less but the best. I was adopted and raised by my grandparents (who I call my parents) who were very very poor, but my parents taught me the value of hard work and perseverance. The idea that I can achieve anything and everything that I put my mind to and work hard for was something that was taught to me very early in my life by my parents and for that, I am truly grateful.

What advice do you have for the upcoming Polynesian generations?

Feel the fear and do it anyway. And it's okay to put yourself first. You don't always have to be humble and put others first, you can put yourself first and love yourself first. I don't think that is being selfish or disrespectful, that's just you taking care of yourself because there is only one you.

"You don’t always have to be humble and put others first, you can put yourself first and love yourself first. I don’t think that is being selfish or disrespectful, that’s just you taking care of yourself because there is only one you."