Joelle Birano


Joelle 'Ihilani Birano

Family: The oldest of four children, and am married to Keola Birano, a Maui boy from Kahului. Together have five children.

Education level: An undergraduate degree in International Cultural Studies - Anthropology.

Occupation: Surface pattern designer, creating artwork for fabric and other products.

Favorite Polynesian food: Laulau and poi!

“There are few formative experiences in my life that I think can be summed up as experiences where being Hawaiian was centered and normalized. A lot of times our culture is used as entertainment, or we are with friends and acquaintances who are unfamiliar with our culture and ask questions (which is a good thing), but there is something powerful that comes from resting in who we are in our own spaces and not having to perform or explain ourselves to anyone. Some of those experiences for me have been standing in Waipi'o Valley at sunrise, chanting E ala ē, throwing lei into the ocean in remembrance of our kūpuna who are buried at Kalaupapa, sitting with manaleo (native speakers) and listening to their stories, and anytime I have been privileged to be in ceremony with other Kānaka Maoli.”

Being Polynesian has given me a love and a connection to the earth and to other people. I love my culture and I love learning about other people’s cultures and finding out what we have in common.

Something I would share with young Polynesians today is just to be proud of who you are and know that the culture you come from has so much value to offer the world and you're important and your voice is important and you matter.

Be proud of who you are and know that the culture that you come from has so much value to offer the world"