Karl Reid-Cramer 


Name: Karl Fonoti Pua'a Reid-Cramer

Family: Parents- Father Richard F. Reid (Samoan) Mother Vicki A. Reid (American)

Siblings: Jared Harrell

Spouse: Randy Reid-Cramer

Kids: a cute cat named Joey

Occupation: Entrepreneur, Massage Therapist, Educator

Educational level: BS - International Business

Favorite Polynesian Food: Baked Taro, Coco Samoa, and Sua Alaisa

“I didn't grow up fa'asamoa nor did I have a grasp or large understanding of the language and culture. For a long time, I felt as if this made me less than those that lived on the island or spoke our native tongue. I struggled to find where I belonged because I didn't look totally White or totally Samoan. I was somewhere in between. It wasn't until I left Corporate America and pursued Massage Therapy that I started to really hear our tupuga (ancestors) calling. My Uncle Hector shared with me our lineage of Fofō which I practice today along with other styles of Polynesian massage. This has helped me stand tall and feel rooted in my lineage knowing that I am helping to keep a tradition alive.”

Check out his website and his soothing kava rub!


“It encompasses almost every part of my life. It’s in the name of my business. I practice my family lineage style of massage every day. I seek out other forms of massage from the south pacific like lomi lomi. I seek out spiritual practices and beliefs in pre-western contact. I commune and venerate with my ancestors daily.

Whether you are 98% Sāmoan or 9% Sāmoan don’t let anyone tell you you are not enough. Be proud to be you! Sāmoan, Tongan, Hawaiian, Tahitian. Gay, Straight, Bi, or Trans. Skinny, Buff, or CURVY! You are Beautiful just the way you are. The way Atua/ Akua made you.”

"Be proud to be you! You are beautiful just the way you are. The way Atua/Akua made you."