Shanyn Wright


Aloha! Shanyn Ku’uipoikahe’epu’eone Wright is our feature this week! Shanyn is a Corporate Internal Communications Specialist. Her favorite Polynesian food is poke!

Favorite Polynesian food is poke, poi, laulau, and all Polynesian desserts!

“I worked in the lo'i kalo (taro wetland) in Hawai'i for the first time a couple of years ago, where, although I knew in my mind what kalo represents not just to kanaka but to all Pacific Islanders, it was a whole different level to experience it knee-deep in the mud, learning and mimicking it first-hand, imagining what it was like for our ancestors to cultivate it thousands of years ago, realizing they understood so much more about innovation than I think we sometimes give them credit for. The truth is that indigeneity includes so many of the things we use today, like science and technology, and I want to learn more about what our ancestors knew and apply it to our current world.”

How has being of Polynesian descent and culture shaped who you are today?

“Even though I grew up outside of Hawai’i, I was raised in a Pacific Islander community, surrounded by Polynesians full of such love, values, and warmth. If we weren’t dancing, we were laughing, telling stories, or volunteering. Our cultures are so rich, it expands beyond our islands because it comes from our hearts. I am so proud of being Polynesian, and proud of all Islanders; all we’ve gone through, all we cherish, and all we do for each other. I just want to continue being part of that and give back to our communities because of it.”

What advice do you have for the upcoming Polynesian generations?

“There is so much opportunity out there for you; especially opportunities where you can be yourself and add value as a proud Polynesian because your culture is part of who you are. And if you don’t know much about your culture, that’s okay - there’s plenty of time and resources to learn. We are all here rooting for you.”

"There is so much opportunity out there for you; especially opportunities where you can be yourself and add value as a proud Polynesian because your culture is a part of who you are."