Heidi Chipman
Talofa lava!
Family: Heidi is the third of 7 siblings and the oldest daughter. Her husband is Gordon Chipman, together they have twin daughters that are also married and living in Hawaii/Utah.
Education Level: Associates Degree in Communication, Bachelors Degree in History at BYUH, JD Gonzaga University
Occupation: Interventionist (Educator)
Favorite Polynesian Food: Palusami, Taro , Pisua (Samoan Dessert) and Lumage (Seafood)
“Having had cancer 3 times, broken my arm, injured my shoulder, and 2 brain surgeries. Throughout the different illnesses/injuries/surgeries that I have had, have strengthened my faith in God. You are never alone, and he will send angels to help you. He is aware of us and our struggles and trials. I have never felt alone, and I know he loves us! God is there and aware.”
Being Polynesian has shaped so much of who I am. I just remember many lessons taught in our home about the Samoan culture and about values and things we hold dear. Respect for our parents, elders, and the rule of law! Another thing is family loyalty and standing by your family no matter what. I still remember being a little girl my father told me, when your brothers/sisters get into a fight, you jump in and stand by them and fight with them. My dad would teach us how to walk, talk and show us and have us demonstrate. Practicing lower your head and bowing saying “Tulou (Excuse me)” In front of others especially elders. We were always taught to be obedient and proud of who you are. That’s what I believe even to this day.
Some other lessons that were taught to me:
1) Always share what you have because really what we have really belongs to God. We are just sharing what God gives us to other people.
2) Work hard when you work, work hard and when you play, play hard but don’t cry. Do your best.
My advice for the upcoming generation is to Have respect for your elders, and respect for those who have come before you. Listen to their advice because there is a lot of wisdom. Take the good from your culture and learn from it and teach it to your children.
“Learn all you can, get an education, be the best of who you are."